


Wed. 1/11
7 - 9 PM
Moss Cove A
Thurs. 1/12
7 - 9 PM
Doheny Beach A
Tues. 1/17
7 - 9 PM
Doheny Beach A
Wed. 1/18
7 - 9 PM
Moss Cove A
Thurs. 1/19
7 - 9 PM


What is Lambda Phi Nu?
Lambda Phi Nu is a UC Irvine-founded business leadership fraternity for students seeking to immerse themselves in a brotherhood full of success-driven, self-motivated young leaders who strive to make an impact, while gaining opportunities to develop their leadership and professional skills.
When does Lambda Phi Nu Recruit?
Lambda Phi Nu traditionally recruits once a year. Our Rush events are typically held during Week 2 of Winter Quarter. These events showcase different facets of the fraternity, giving candidates a glimpse of what Lambda Phi Nu stands for. Attendance at rush events is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended to come to as many events as possible. Attending these events reflects a candidate’s interest in the program, and allows candidates to leave a lasting impression on our Active Partners.
What do you look for in a candidate?

We acknowledge that every individual is unique, and thus evaluate candidates using a more holistic approach. Overall, we look for well-rounded individuals who have a passion for what they do, a desire to improve themselves and inspire others, and possess strong values in building relationships and brotherhood.

Beyond these behavioral attributes, we also uphold a standard of academic excellence to ensure the professional success of our active Partners. To be eligible for consideration, you must have:

  • A strong interest in Business
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative UCI GPA
  • Completed at least 45 quarter-based units
Can I apply if I have rushed before, but did not receive a bid?
Yes, we encourage you to rush again if you have applied before, as it reflects a strong interest in Lambda Phi Nu. Applicants who are reapplying are evaluated by the same standards as first-time applicants. However, we will look for changes in your leadership potential since your previous application.
What is pledging?
Pledging is an intensive development program designed to emulate the professional environment, yet structured to build the highest caliber of brotherhood, leadership, and professionalism that will prepare Associates not only for active membership within LPN, but also the most competitive business endeavors beyond the campus community.
Does Lambda Phi Nu haze?
No, there is absolutely no hazing in Lambda Phi Nu. Every year, a prestigious professional firm has the opportunity to view and approve our curriculum. We do not include anything that firms would not support or not deem valuable.